7 gm (Approx. 6000 to 6500 seeds)
Covers approximately 35 to 40 square feet when seed is evenly distributed.
A collection of beautiful, easy to grow, flowers mosly native to mountainous areas of western US and Canada including Alaska. Varieties that will produce an explosion of color all summer with a wide variety of flower types. A mixture that will enhance any wild setting to give continuous and varied color all summer. The many different flower types will yield excellent cut flowers from early summer until frost. Perfect for a wild area or to accent a landscape. Grows best in full sun. Outside Alaska it is recommended this mix be grown in mountainous areas above 7,000 feet.
Wildflower Mix includes when available the following species:
Common name Life
Aspen Daisy P
Baby's Breath A
Black-eyed Susan P
Blanketflower B-P
Blue Columbine P
Blue Flax P
California Poppy A
Catchfly A-B
Dwarf Cornflower A
Dwarf Godetia A
Forget-me-not B
Iceland poppy P
Maltese Cross P
Penstemon, Palmer P
Penstemon, Rocky Mountain P
Rocket Larkspur A
Siberian Wallflower B-P
Shasta Daisy P
Showy Goldeneye P
Tussock Bellflower P