Squash (Zucchini)

Growing Tips: Squash (Zucchini)

Squash, Zucchini

Quick Reference:

In Alaska, garden soils are too cold at planting time for squash seed to germinate so the seed MUST be germinated indoors in plastic pots. Squash seed germinates in 10 to 14 days when the soil temperature is above 60 degrees F. Plant  two or three seeds 1/4 inch deep in a 4 inch plastic pot filled with rich loam 4 to 6 weeks before the last frost. Plant seedlings in garden when the soil has warmed after the last frost.

When and where to plant:

Squash including zucchini likes hot, sunny weather, warm soils and the seed requires a soil temperature at least in the 50's to germinate. In Alaska it is recommended that a soil warming technique like raised beds or mounding be used when growing zucchini. Squash does not transplant well because the roots are tender and easily damaged so it is preferred that the seed be started where the plants will grow all season. Where soils are cold at planting time, start seed indoors 4 to 6 weeks before the last frost. Plant 2 or 3 seeds in individual 4 inch plastic pots filled with a good rich loam. The plastic pots allow the roots to slide out easily minimizing root damage during transplanting. When the seedlings are 2 inches tall clip off all but the two healthiest seedlings, water with a half strength solution of liquid plant food weekly and grow in full sun until the garden is ready. After the last frost, plant seed or seedlings outdoors in a rich, well drained soil, using raised beds or a mound to help warm the soil. When using the mound method, form a mound 8 to 10 inches high by 14 to 16 inches wide at the top, apply plant food, then plant the seedling in the center of the mound. Covering the mound with a clear plastic mulch weighted with soil on all four edges for a greenhouse affect then planting through the mulch will even further raise the soil temperature. Ignore the weeds that will grow under the mulch. When transplanting, water the soil in the pot when carefully slide the root ball out of the plastic pot and place seedling a in hole filled with water, push moist soil around the root ball. When planting seed, firm soil over seed, water well and keep soil moist until seedlings emerge.                                          


Keep the soil moist and apply plant food monthly. Where the air is cool use a clear plastic windbreak to keep wind off the plants and reduce evaporation. Do not worry if the first blossoms do not set fruit.


Pick continuously when fruit is 6 to 8 inches long for best quality and to encourage additional fruit set.